Saturday, June 15, 2013

Last Day of Class

Group picture at the Federal Reserve in Miami on June 14,2013.  This fieldtrip was the culmination of two weeks of learning about banks and our banking system.  I really enjoyed working with  students in FBC 2013 and wish them well as they embark on connecting the content we covered to hands on experience in banks. Good luck and see you on the 27th! Professor Porges-West

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 7, 2013
I have really enjoyed getting to know my future bankers this week. I want to commend you on your excellent bank scenarios and spirit of teamwork that has developed in a short time. Here is the link to Dropbox so you can set up an account. You will save a copy of your bank presentation to Dropbox and send me the link.     Go to to set up your account.  I have already uploaded some of your scenarios to the blog.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Future Banker's Camp 2013- Professor Porges-West

Welcome to Future Banker's Camp! You will begin to learn the skills needed for success in the financial services industry of the 21st century: communication, critical thinking,  financial,  mathematical, technology & social media, relationship, marketing, regulatory compliance, detail oriented, observant,  tenacity and ethics.

Required Courses:

AIB Banking Today
Business Etiquette
Dealing Effectively with Co-Workers
Effective Client Referrals
Introduction to Relationship Selling
Regulatory Compliance for Tellers
Revitalizing Customer Service
AIB Today's Teller

Students who successfully complete the course of study will receive the industry recognized
AIB Bank Teller Certificate

Click  on students' comments before the yellow pencil.