Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Future Banker's Camp 2013- Professor Porges-West

Welcome to Future Banker's Camp! You will begin to learn the skills needed for success in the financial services industry of the 21st century: communication, critical thinking,  financial,  mathematical, technology & social media, relationship, marketing, regulatory compliance, detail oriented, observant,  tenacity and ethics.

Required Courses:

AIB Banking Today
Business Etiquette
Dealing Effectively with Co-Workers
Effective Client Referrals
Introduction to Relationship Selling
Regulatory Compliance for Tellers
Revitalizing Customer Service
AIB Today's Teller

Students who successfully complete the course of study will receive the industry recognized
AIB Bank Teller Certificate

Click  on students' comments before the yellow pencil.


  1. I wasn't expecting homework but it's the only way for anyone who wants to go into the financial world and excel, it'll pay off in the long run. This program opens up opportunities!

  2. I'm glad to participate in this program. This is amazing!!!

  3. I was nervous about coming here because I didn't know any of the other participants, but everyone's really nice and I got along with everyone just fine. This is an awesome opportunity and I'm glad I was able to experience it.

  4. This is a very good program, with Future Bankers Camp I am learning a lot of things about the finance world

  5. I really like the class its fun and a very good learning environment. Also my Professor is lively and eccentric.

  6. I have learned much about banking operations and procedures.

  7. Future Banker's Camp is so exciting and fun; You learn something new everyday! Professor Porges-West is so lively, and her lessons are to the point. I hope Future Banker's of 2014 enjoy this class as much as I am.

  8. This is a real great opportunity for us, and I have learned a lot that I didn't even know before so I really appreciate this internship.

  9. This class has been very informative and I have been learning a lot in the few days that I have been in the class. It's a good environment.

  10. My first day here was amazing! I had plenty of homework but i learned so much about banking!

  11. I have earned very useful insight on how a bank operates, and its various forms of income, as a future banker, this knowledge will follow me through my career and assist me in times of need.

  12. My experience at the Future Bank Camp has been great. It has been better then i expected and I'm very glad i was given this opportunity.

  13. I feel very privileged that i got offered this amazing opportunity to be part of the Future Bankers Camp and Im eager to see the outcomes of this amazing experience.

  14. Im so excited about going to work in Ocean Bank !! This is an AWESOME opportunity !!!

  15. My first day was an experience to remember because it was difficult to go home and study when i knew that I had chores to do. So, I stayed up till about 11:30pm that night. Now, its an natural trait to go home and do my chores then study; It helped me manage my time more wisely.

  16. awesome opportunity :)

  17. Interesting experience. It is expanding my knowledge on the banking industry.

  18. I was excited to start the FBC program and be able to participate in all the activities. Im happy a chose to pick the program.

  19. I am happy to say that I was privileged enough to be apart of the Future Bankers Camp. It is fun learning experience for highschool students looking to major in business/finance and all other majors actually because the program teaches you discipline. I recommend this program to everyone and anyone who is eligible.

  20. I'm grateful to be participating in this wonderful program

  21. My first couple of days at the Future Bankers Camp has been encouraging. The students here are friendly and easy to work with as well as the professor. This program has made me ready for college.

  22. I am enjoying all of the wonderful new things that I'm learning. The one trouble I had was finding my way to the campus but I got to explore the Miami-Dade Transit System.
    Go Future Banker's Camp Summer 2013!

  23. Today I went to BB&T for our skit, and they were very polite, although since they were only a smaller branch office, they didn't have anyone that specialized on our topic, the associate did his best to assist us and give us the information we needed.

  24. I definitely learned today that no two banks are the same. I went to visit two banks and Bank One was not what I expected, they were local but could not help me because they don't offer all the services I need. Bank Two was alot bigger but was able to help me gain the information I needed. Both atmospheres and personnel were totally different.

  25. Today I visited Regions Bank and the teller was really nice and friendly. It made me want to ask him questions I didn't even have! He answered all my questions adequately and I realized that electronic banking is becoming more popular than actually visiting the bank.There were barely any people in the bank and they didn't have deposit slips because more people are doing transactions electronically now.

  26. Today my group did a presentation on depositing a check. I learned that if you keep a calm attitude you can effectively perform a smooth transaction.

  27. Yesterday I learned about the type of customers and accounts Citi National Bank has. The representative was very polite and informative to me and my peers.

  28. The scenario today was very intersting. I like how in doing this we relate to real life bankers in the world.

  29. The Future Bankers Camp is exactly what I hoped it would be. Everyday involves different lessons, conversations, and experiences. Today was exciting because we all had to act out scenarios and dress up professional.

  30. Today we learned about proper business etiquette. This was very helpful because we will all be interning in banks soon and it's important to learn what's appropriate and what is not appropriate in a professional setting.

  31. The online ABA program is a significant contributor to the proccess of understanding banking today. If you just read and take your time your bound to get 100% on every quiz.

  32. I enjoyed making the scenarios and acting them out, so I'm happy that they went well. I'm also glad I passed the midterm we took today. I've learned so much in this first week of Future Bankers Camp and it's just great.

  33. The Future Bankers Program teaches you how to be a professional banker and how to treat your customers.

  34. I Was Hear Early This Morning With Albert Talking About Our Presentation.

  35. When doing the bank scenario's it was fun and a great way to learn how to work with other people you don't know. My groups video was a success

  36. I learned so much about my bank (Popular Community Bank) when I was doing my powerpoint.

  37. On Friday, we all did bank scenarios. I really enjoyed them, acting out as if we were really bank associates. So far the past week I have gained knowledge that will help out in the future towards banking.

  38. Today i learned that i have a easy going and easily adaptable personality, thanks to the shape i picked.

  39. In today's class I learned what shapes describe personalities and I'm circle.

  40. In class I learned that I'm a circle in personality traits and a circles are understanding, good listeners, patient, and helpful and I have those personality traits.

  41. I found out that i am an square personality person today and i Learned how to treat others, specially my bosses, in a common ground. Also the power point professor porges showed us was very instructional and i liked it a lot>

  42. I thought it was so cool how professor West described our personalities with shapes THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!

  43. It was really interesting to learn that shapes could describe our personalities, and because we're talking about dress codes in class I'm becoming more excited to work at the bank next week.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I was a little nervous about presenting the powerpoint today but I am glad that I did very good on it.

  46. I just had my powerpoint presentation for my bank (Popular Community Bank) today. It went very well and it also helped me learn more about my bank which will help me prepare for my internship next week.

  47. Working On My Bank Research Project.........

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I learned a lot from watching my friend's presentations and i think i am prepared to present tomorrow and do my best in fromt of the class. I am alse ready to take notes in my classmates presentations to learn a bit more about their banks.

  50. Today during class I realized that women play a huge role in our society and that it is up to us to promote them to pursue careers in Business. While students presented their Bank Power points I realized very few women hold high-ranking positions in the Banking Industry. What a shame! There has to be a change.

  51. Today I enjoyed watching my friend's presentations and I learned about other banks, and their financial situation.

  52. Today we were visited by an advisor from Miami Dade's Wolfson Campus School of Business. We learned about the various programs that Miami Dade offers for business majors and the credits and classes that are required for the business majors. It was very informative and helpful.

  53. Watching presentations from my classmates was very helpful because I was able to learn from their mistakes and improve my powerpoint. And even though some of the units in our new workbook are pretty long, I must admit the information is very informative and will definitely help me once I start to work at the bank.

  54. Watching the video on the things leading up to the financial crisis of 2008 was very helpful as it taught me more about an important event.

  55. Today we are going to finish watching the video dealing with the bank crisis of 2008. The video has been very informative and I learned that the banks are "too big to fail". So instead a larger bank will buy a smaller one and assume their debt, and this is the reason that small community banks have started to disapper being replaced with branches of larger banks.
    FBC 2013!

  56. Yesterday was really fun. I got to see my classmates presentations on Wells Fargo, and other banks. I learned a lot on the history of all the bank presentations I saw; I also presented my own powerpoint on Bank of America. After lunch we continued watching a video that dealt with the financial crisis of 2008. I understood it better after watching the video.

  57. Today were presenting the rest of our power point projects so far their presentations have been awesome and very informative

  58. Today I learned the basics on what to do if a robbery were to happen at a bank. It was very interesting on all the special types of bills they use for robberies.

  59. Today i learned that if a fire was to happen at a bank, your first priority is to concern everyones safety. This includes your own, your co-workers as well as your customers.

  60. Today i learned more information on my bank aswell as many others in the community thanks to the group presentation that was assigned.

  61. today i presented my bank power point, although i was very nervous at first, i was able to pull through, i learned a lot about the bank i will be interning at, and hopefully, as did my fellow classmates. it was an interesting and good educational expirience.

  62. Today in class we had study hall and we read unit 7 in the "Today's Teller" book and I learned about the different procedures incase of a bank robbery.

  63. The librarian, Adria Leal is of great help when it comes to the Powerpoint presentation pertaining to the bank, talk to her and she will give you an abundance of information to include. Also, don't fall in debt, that's bad.

  64. this has been a good experience , because we learned things interesting , we learned too about the banks , the theachers provide interesting classes

  65. tomorrow for me to make the power point presentation , i'm nervous

  66. awesome scenarios guys , good job !!!!

  67. Today i learned many things about differents banks. Tomorrow i have my power point presentation, i'm really nervous.

  68. Today class was extrememly exciting! I got to see some more presentations on banks such as Sabadell Bank, Citi Bank, and Suntrust. I also got to see City National Banks presenation, which happens to be the bank I'm interning at next week. From the powerpoint I learned taht the bank was founded in 1946 by Leonardo L. Abess SR. Currently their CEO is Jorge Gonazalez.

  69. It was nice knowing about the different types of banks that my FBC classmates had to presents learned about banks I didn't even know they existed :)

  70. it was nice knowing where I would be reporting to on the first day of my job!

  71. Tomorrow is our final class because on Friday we are going on a field trip to the Federal Reserve. How it's our last class we will be having a test about the book we've been studying "Today's Teller". Best of luck to all Future Banker's on the test so none of us have to stay after class on Friday to retake it. Also we will be having cake that Connie will be bringing. Yea cake! THANKS!

  72. Today I enjoyed the different Power Point Presentations, it showed me interesting facts about big and small banks and how are this banks doing financially.

  73. The power point presentation has been my favorite project in class thus far, I gained a lot of knowledge about my bank

  74. I presented my powerpoint today, TD Bank is WOW! It's helpful to understand and know about the bank where I'll be doing my internship. I hope to meet my bank's staff fosho.

  75. We just finished the test. Tomorrow we get to go to the Federal Reserve. The cake was great thanks Connie.

  76. Today my classmates finished presenting their PowerPoint presentation and I learned a lot about various banks. We also took our final exam today, and yesterday we received our banking locations. I am excited about working in the bank and I can't wait to meet my mentor on Tuesday.

  77. i just presented out powerpoint was kind of nervous but after a while got comfotable :) going to miss all my fbc classmate once we go our seperate ways :(

  78. Today I took the Final Exam, and even though I was nervous, I feel pretty good and i'm sure I passed it! We continued watching powerpoint presentations from such banks like Communuity Bank of Florida, Continental Bank, TD Bank, and BB&T Bank. Everyone did a great job! I learned about the history, and financial position of each and every bank, and that was pretty interesting. Right after, Ms.Connie Laguna came in with a cake to congratulate us on finishing the course, and that was pretty amazing too.

  79. the final exam we took today was some what easy and we had cake and learned about a few more banks. Tomorrow we're going to the FDR I'm so excited

  80. Today we finished all of our presentations and I learned a lot from everyone's bank. Especially since at the end, they ask us questions so I retained the information.

  81. today i did my power point presentation,and finished the test. tomorrow will be a great day :)

  82. today i did my power point presentation and the final test , was so hard , and tomorrow is the last they i am so excited

  83. Today i presented my powerpoint ; I got a little shy but everything went well .

  84. Our two weeks of training at wolfson are coming to an end , I'm enlighten to say that this has been an amazing experience and I've gained a lot of knowledge

  85. The fieldtrip to the Federal Reserve was so much fun. We learned so much and met a lot of of very nice people. I will always remember it.

  86. We just got back from the federal bank. It was unbelievable, the amount of money there is incredible. We saw how people were processing the money and loading them into bags. It was very fun and educational field trip, we all enjoyed it very much

  87. The federal reserve was very interesting, they showed much of the information that we have studied in class. I'm actually think of pursuing a job at the FED.

  88. The Federal Reserve field trip was AWESOME. I'm going to miss all of the future bankers.

  89. Today we went to the Federal Reserve and that was so much fun! We learned some more history on the Federal Reserve, its purpose, and our guide clarified the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy. My classmates and I saw how the workers processed the money and how they load all the money into specified bags. We also got a sneak peek at the vault, and the amount of money was incredible! In the end, the trip to the Federal Reserve was very educational as well as fun!

  90. Went to the Fed today , they should of gave me money uff it was a lot ! To the FBC students see yal June 27, 2013

  91. Going to the Federal Reserve and learning about the Fed and seeing all of the money was amazing! I really enjoyed myself and I learned so much.

  92. Going to the Federal Reserve Bank Branch in Miami was the highlight of the FBC program! I enjoyed learning how money got processed. The Future Banker's Camp was an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

  93. Working at the bank is so much fun! My mentors are great and helpful, but the funnest part has to be working at the branch with the tellers, so far so good
